Wednesday, October 21, 2009

:: Empty cigarette boxes? ::

Well, if you're a smoker, or an ex-smoker, (or a non-smoker who just like to collect cigarette boxes for fun/memories/weirdly-shaped collection), I guess, at some point of time, you might end up having at least one empty cigarette box lying near you.

For those collectors, having empty boxes might be a problem or some sort of nuisance, due to:
1. As the boxes are empty, they're too light and can easily fall off.
2. It can easily lose its shape, if they're made out of paper.
3. It occupy space, and doesn't have any extra-added value or purpose to it (besides being part of your collection, of course).

Please take a look at Figure 1, showing an empty cigarette box (the brand is hidden, as I don't want to partake promoting of smoking, or loyalty to any brands).

Figure 1: An empty ciggy box.

With a bit of thinking and effort (and a semi-depressed mind), I had figured that by heating up a candle which produces nice smell in the room, the hot wax from the candle can then be used to fill in the empty spaces of the cigarette box (as shown in Figure 2).

Figure 2: Ingredients for making an artistic and environmental-friendly product.

One might ask me, why use the wax? Well, the reason is simple, since you have to trim of the candle for suitable burning, why not use the wax (in its molten form) to be poured into the empty space of the box?

By doing this, you can:
1. Take the benefit of the scent remaining in the wax, and capture it by letting it fill into the empty ciggy box. And if you're trying to quit, you can use this to remind you that by quitting, you can gain a better sense of smell.
2. Reduce the amount of wax that you would end up throwing into the bin (just try to do something for Mother Earth or Gaia, ok?)
3. By letting the wax to harden up a few minutes later, you had in fact 'mummified' you cigarette box! Eureka, now those boxes can retain their shape for a long time!

Figure 3: A close-up look of a cigarette box after 'mummification' is done.

Besides that, as the wax harden, the density increases. This would then result with a box which is not just able to retain its shape, it is also heavier, and smell nicer..!

Thus, it can be used as a paperweight!

Figure 4: A 'mummified' box which was able to keep about 25 sheets of paper for sliding off the table (and yes, the box has the scent of rose from the candle's wax!).

So, isn't this something nice? At least, for me, I'm using two of them now. One as a paperweight which carries a nice scent, and the other one as a 'mummy' in my pocket to remind me the reason why I'm trying to quit. Hey, besides reminding me that I now have a better sense of smell, the wax also ensures the box doesn't lose its shape, which then allows me to look at the powerful anti-smoking ad on the box for a longer period of time..

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